
Catalogue of all that noble & superlatively capital assemblage of valuable pictures, drawings, miniatures, and prints, the property of the right hon. Charles Alexander De Calonne, late prime minister of France, selected with equal taste, judgment, and liberality, during his residence in France, and his travels through Italy, Germany, Flanders, and Holland, and while in England, at the immense expence of above sixty thousand guineas, there is also included a small elegant collection of cabinet pictures, bequeathed to him by the late Monsieur D'Arveley, high treasurer of France, forming together the most splendid collection in Europe, which were intended for a magnificient gallery at his late house in Piccadilly, comprising the inestimable works of the most admired masters of the Roman, Florentine, Bolognese, Venetian, Spanish, French, Dutch, and English schools, which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Skinner and Dyke, on Monday the 23rd March, 1795, and five following days, punctually at twelve o'clock, at the Great Rooms, in Spring Gardens, by order of the now mortgagees

Catalogue de vente

Publication date
18e siècle
Vente. Art. Paris. 1795-03-23
Collection. Art. Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de
Collection. Art. Micault d'Harvelay, Anne Rose
1 vol. (p. 222-256) ; in-8°
Cote de l’original : 8 F 238 (1) ; Cote du microfilm : Mfilm 35 1795 03 23 (bobine 41)
[éditeur inconnu]
La vente eut lieu du 23 au 28 mars 1795 ; Charles-Alexandre de Calonne (1734-1802), contrôleur général des Finances à partir de 1783, fut disgracié et s’exila à Londres en 1787 ; L’autre vendeur est Anne Rose Micault d'Harvelay (1739-1813)
Content note
Catalogue retranscrit et photocopié
Additional note
Anne Rose Micault d'Harvelay, veuve du financier Joseph Micault d'Harvelay avait acheté une partie de la collection Calonne à Paris en 1788 et rejoint celui-ci à Londres où elle devint sa femme ; La collection fut vendue en remboursement d’un prêt
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Related documents
Catalogue d’une très-belle collection de tableaux, d’Italie, de Flandres, de Hollande, et de France, dessins montés et en feuilles, le 4 avril 1788 
Ce catalogue a été retranscrit dans l’ouvrage de William Buchanan, Memoirs of painting : with a chronological history of the importation of pictures by the great masters into England since the French Revolution, vol. I, London, R. Ackerman, 1824
NUM CV02292_17950323
Original library
Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet
Imprimés > Catalogues de vente > 18e siècle

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