A Catalogue of a genuine, large and capital collection of paintings lately consign'd from Naples and Venice, consisting of several of the valuable works of Luca Giordano, Tintoretto [...] and other masters of allowed eminence and particularly of a most pleasing variety of views and landscapes by Carlo Bonaria Romano [...], all of which will be sold by auction by Mr. Langford and son, at their house in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Wednesday and Thursday the 5th and 6th of February 1766

Catalogue de vente

18e siècle
Vente. Art. Londres. 1766-02-05
Description matérielle
7 p.
Informations bibliographiques
Cote de l'original : VP 1766/15bis ; Cote du microfilm : Mfilm 35 1766 02 05 (bobine 11)
Lieu de publication
[Lieu de publication inconnu]
[éditeur inconnu]
Note de contenu
Copie dactylographiée
Langue du document
Date de numérisation
Nombre de vues
Identifiant numérique
NUM CV00955_17660205
Bibliothèque d'origine
Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet
Imprimés > Catalogues de vente > 18e siècle

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